Tag: health

  • Aim (priority) of Ayurveda

    Swasthasya swathya rakshnam, aturashya vikara prashman ch Protect the health of the healthy and also treat disease of the sick The subject or aim of Ayurveda is defined as “KEEPING THE BODY HEALTHY” and treating the ones who fall sick. Let us realize that treatment of diseases is defensive approach as compared to keeping the…

  • Introduction To Ritucharya

    Human body is a very complicated machine that requires regular servicing. Only vitamin pills, exercise and annual health tests are not enough. It faces seasonal changes, stress, lifestyle changes and a lot more; it fights against in numerous infections, trying to keep us alive. Swasthyavritta (Sphere of health) series celebrates the boon of a healthy…

  • Ayurvedic Description of Human Being

    According to Ayurveda, mind creates and maintains the body; vice versa a healthy mind re-sides in a healthy body.