Why Home Remedies Don’t Work, and How to Safely Try Unknown Home Remedies!

Now-a-days there are so many Ayurvedic remedies available online, you see, for example – 5 tips for weight gain, 5 tips for weight loss or 7 tips for headache and so on and so forth.

However, these home remedies fail to produce identical results in all kinds of people. Some people may experience a huge relief; however there might be other who might feel no difference at all. And have you ever wondered- why is that so?

The people who follow Ayurvedic home remedies remind me of a friend who used to mug up all the answers in the text book exactly in the same sequence and she would reproduce these answers exactly in the same sequence in the question paper also. However, in the question paper the sequence will be changed and all her answers will always be wrong. And she would always be so confused “why is this happening?”

You see, home remedies work exactly in the same manner if you don’t know why you are doing them. If you don’t know what fits and what does not and this is what happens with the people who don’t know what their body needs.

You see, applicability is a huge factor here.  One home remedy which might work in a great way for some other person might not be applicable to you, because you might have a different body type or you stay in a different region or you have a different climate or currently there is a different season, or you have a different digestive capacity, there can be so many factors at work. Our body is such a complex dynamic metabolic system and it is so disrespectful of our uniqueness to expect exactly the same result from a same home remedy.

Some of the factors are –

    • Vata Dominant
      • Hot and Oily Herbs
    • Pitta Dominant
      • Cool and Sweet Herbs
    • Kapha Dominant
      • Hot and Dry Herbs
    • Ayurveda describes 3 Major types of REGIONS
      • Anoop (Wet Lands)
      • Jangalya (Dry Lands)
      • Sadharan (Normal Land)
    • Climatic cycle defines local seasons and weather conditions
    • That’s why, summer in a desert is different from that in a mountain.
    • Herbs grown in the local climate are the best for the natives.
    • Classical Ayurvedic Remedies change according to Seasonal Variations.
Ritu Haritaki (Seasonal Combination of Chebulic myrobalan)


Digestion determines the real benefits of herbal Remedies.

Haritaki (Chebulic myrobalan) is a wonder herb! However a person with INDIGESTION must never consume it.

Even your faith in the home remedy can bring about a drastic change in the results. No one today can deny the impact of placebo in the field of medicine. And if you have a huge faith in a home remedy, you might get incredible results from it even if it does not suit you and that’s why the Bhabhuti given by a sage works!


In my school, before every exam the examiner will announce” please read the question paper carefully” and it will also be written on the question paper because if we don’t read the question carefully, we will not answer the question, but will just vomit out what it there in our own mind.

When we know our health condition, when we know our body and what it needs , we have read the question properly and this is the right time to answer.    

Now you cannot go exploring your body when you are reeling with pain. I quite understand that. And therefore, there is a method to try unknown home remedies, if you must.


Upshay is an Ayurvedic dosage technique where the patient is given a very small dose, let’s says one fourth or one tenth of the actual required quantity and kept under observation for some time. If he feels relief, the medicine fits otherwise it does not.  Plain and simple, we cannot profess to understand everything about the body!

For a Vaidya (Ayurveda physician), this method is a great tool for differential diagnosis as well.  It helps to determine or verify the exact Dosha situation in the body. Besides, this method of using minimum dosage also protects you from sudden and harsh allergic reactions, as this method gives ample time to the body to adjust its response.

Therefore, as a lay man, if you must use a home remedy in an emergency, try to use it in very small dosage and observe the response for some time, it can be one hour or  a day, depending on your convenience and then decide to use it for a longer duration.    

I hope that this information helps you to choose your best home remedy.

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